Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK)
Some people have corneas that are too thin for LASIK to be performed safely and the procedure known as Photorefractive Keratectomy (PRK) is recommended instead. PRK is the same laser procedure as LASIK. It differs, however, in how the cornea is prepared for the laser treatment. With PRK, no flap is created. Instead, surface cells are removed and the laser is applied just beneath these cells. The recovery period is slightly longer than with LASIK, but the ultimate visual results are equivalent.
When is PRK Chosen Over LASIK?
1. When the cornea is too thin for LASIK.
2. When a pre-existing problem is present on the cornea which can be eliminated with PRK and result in better vision than LASIK.
3. When there is a structural abnormality in the cornea that makes LASIK unsafe.
Schedule a complimentary consultation today to find out whether you’re a candidate for LASIK or PRK.
How LASIK Corrects Your Vision
Astigmatism is the inability to focus clearly at any distance due to an irregular or misshapen cornea. With astigmatism the cornea is shaped more like a football than a basketball and light rays focus at differing points on the retina, causing blurred vision. LASIK corrects this oval shape, making the cornea more round, and achieving clear vision.
Nearsighted people see close objects clearly – but not distant objects. In nearsightedness the curve of the cornea is too steep, or the eye itself is somewhat elongated, resulting in images being focused in front of the retina. LASIK corrects this condition by flattening the curve of the cornea.
Farsighted people see distant objects clearly, however all other objects are blurred. In farsightedness the shape of the cornea is too flat, or the eye is not spherical, causing light rays to focus behind the retina. LASIK corrects this condition by shaping the outer area of the cornea so that it focuses correctly.