Dry eye syndrome is literally the eye’s inability to lubricate and tear correctly. Oddly enough, some people who have dry eye syndrome actually tear excessively. Unfortunately, the pH or acidity of their tears is altered so that the eyes still feel dry and itchy, causing them to tear continuously.
It is very common, especially in the older population, particularly in older women. Women often experience dry eye syndrome during and after menopause, due to a decrease in female hormone levels. Other hormone-altering events such as pregnancy, menstruation and the use of birth control can contribute to dry eye syndrome. The use of certain medications can also alter the eye’s ability to lubricate. Some of the most common medications are:
Blood pressure medication
Anti-anxiety medication
Certain types of diseases can also alter the eyes. These include:
Thyroid deficiencies
Sjorgrens syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis
Autoimmune disorders (i.e. lupus, HIV)
Bell’s palsy
Myasthenia gravis
Your doctor may prescribe one or more of the following treatments:
artificial teardrops (saline-type solutions)
ointments placed in the eyes to lubricate
temporarily or permanently plugging the tear ducts while manually replacing the tears with drops or ointments
hormone replacement, if due to menopause
change in birth control prescription, if applicable
No cure currently exists for dry eye syndrome. Your doctor can help you address the symptoms.
Singla Eye Institute (Port Arthur) 3000 39th Street, Suite 105, Port Arthur, TX 77642 Ph. 409-985-2745
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm
Singla Eye Institute (Beaumont)
3385 Laurel Ave, Suite 101,
Beaumont, TX 77707
Ph. 409-832-3120
Mon-Fri 8:30am - 5:00pm